Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nursing Cover Testimonial

Here's another testimonial of a Baby Orr Decor Nursing Cover from a first-time mom, Laura. A good friend of mine, Robyn, gave Laura the Nursing Cover as a gift.

"I have been meaning to tell you how GLAD I am you gave it to me!! I've only recently branched out to nursing in public (in my car, at friends' houses, etc.), but I can't imagine not having it!! Especially being a 'bigger' girl, there's no way I could be discreet without it. But it has really made me more mobile in these past couple weeks; otherwise, I'd still be chained to the house only running out in between feedings."

Laura, I am so glad that the cover has given you greater mobility! Having a baby is so overwhelming in so many ways that it is so refreshing to be able to get out of the house when you want to.

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